Thursday, August 1, 2013

Go to hell scumbag

I would like every state and our federal government to pass the following law.

Any criminal convicted of any crime that gets him/her sentenced to life in prison without a chance for parole should get:
  1. One and only one appeal at either the state Supreme Court or federal Supreme Court (determined by the lower court that convicted him/her: if convicted in a state court their appeal is in the state Supreme Court; if convicted in a federal court their appeal is in the federal Supreme Court).
  2. If the appeal fails than the inmate has the option to a quick and humane death sentence to be carried out immediately.

Of course what I would really want is for any criminal convicted in such a manner to be instantly put to death without giving them the option, but I know that is a long way from actually happening. So the above are baby steps toward my ultimate desire.

I hate paying for these lowest of all life forms to live out their natural lives at my expense. Yep, that’s right I desire this because I’m sick and tired of my hard earned tax dollars paying for these scumbags to live until they die of natural causes (or shank – fingers crossed).

In 2010 the VERA Institute of Justice ( completed a study that concluded it costs tax payers an average of $31,286 per year per inmate. The total cost across the US in 2010 to taxpayers was $39 billion. BILLION DOLLARS!!!

Let’s find out just how much money we could save by having a study performed with all “lifers” to see if they would take the option. Even if only 10% say Yes, I would still take those savings.